How about now?
Please be gentle with yourselves. This has been an intense year for so many of us for so many reasons. I wish we had a magic pill like GLeeMONEX (reference Kids in the Hall 1996 film Brain Candy) but quick fixes tend to have undesirable side effects, like long term inefficacy
. . . we don’t. Like any practice or new habit we wish to form we need to start somewhere.
I implore you to take action for your well being. Take one step and then another and then another. Find ways to incorporate the important into your life so there’s less room for the unnecessary. Think about what it is you want, what would make you happy and what is possible right now. Reconnect with yourself.
Take several minutes to do a body scan. Notice where you’re holding yourself tense. Can you gently breathe into that area of your body? Notice any emotions that come up or that you may be suppressing.
Text or call a friend. Then text or call another one. Give as you would like to receive.
Allow yourself something that is mentally easy or fulfilling. For myself, that would be reading or cooking.
Go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier than usual if waking in the morning is challenging.
If you’re having thoughts like, “one day, I’d like to...”, “if I could I would….” please check out this video.
Next week, the part of the body I believe we take the most for granted.