monkey mind

Let’s revisit one of my favorite topics.  

I’m currently doing an at home meditation retreat.  I do these retreats to practice listening.  So much knowledge can be gleaned from just listening.   I’m listening to the abyss of nothing that is everything also known as my mind.  I listen to the chatter chatter of my monkey mind and occasionally notice I’m the one making all the noise in my noggin.  In those moments, I notice whether I’m tensing my face or my whole body, sometimes a little tense and sometimes so tense I’m seemingly trying to levitate from my seat.  Before you begin to think I'm possessed know that when the mind is engaged intensely and unchecked so the body is too and vice versa.  I choose to come back to my breath, to come back to the moment of where I presently am and try to disengage all the muscles I was just holding.  If I’m really paying attention then I’ll notice recurring themes in my thoughts that need addressing or peacemaking with.  

I wouldn’t know any of this about myself if I didn’t practice this thing called meditation every so often.  I started doing these retreats after a journey of years of meditating occasionally.  I had to start somewhere after all to get me here.  

If you think you can’t meditate or you’re thinking of starting or you’re struggling with all that’s going on right now, please watch this less than 2 min video from a monk explaining how meditation can be done everyday, any time, any where. You may even find you’ve been meditating in short bursts your whole life. Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll consider doing longer intentional meditations. Enjoy! 

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