Why accept chronic pain?

Hi Folks,

Have you ever left your place for a vacation and come back to notice an odd smell you never noticed before? Maybe you wondered “Has it always smelled like this?”.

We don’t get to take a vacation from our bodies. Unfortunately, for some of us, this means we experience pains that are so woven into the fabric of our being that we barely notice them anymore. Examples may include a dull ache in our lower back, a tightness in our neck and shoulders, or a pang in our knees. These so-called “normal aches and pains” are treated as something we teach ourselves to live with, or (my favorite) just a part of “getting old”.

Any pain that’s persistent or that comes and goes over time can be considered chronic pain. When we talk about chronic pain, it often carries the connotation of permanence and unchangeability. Permanence and Unchangeability. PU! This attitude gives us permission to stop imagining ourselves free and agile in our bodies. We then learn to compensate for our pain with medication or by holding our bodies in ways that may provide temporary relief but ultimately compound the problem. Is this really the way we want to live?

Here’s a ray of light: through conscious effort, there are ways to tune back into our bodies and face these pains head on. When we learn to bring an awareness to our bodies, a curiosity about our way of being, and a belief that we can feel better, we start the journey to transform how we feel. Pain after all, is not a punishment but a messenger. Chronic pains can teach us so much about what we need to feel our best.

This drives so much of the work we do at MMNYC and our mission to change how people view what normal feels like in their body. Let’s stop accepting anything less than feeling amazing in our bodies.

With care,

Mrs. Bob

New Availability!

Bob is opening a couple of Tuesday afternoons: October 17 and 24. Online booking will be available for her schedule. Grab it while you can!

Podcast Feature!

Bob was recently featured on the Sugar Coated podcast, on episode 97 titled “Unlocking Business Success: The Power of Self-Transformation with Mrs. Bob Gallagher .”

Listen to Bob’s chat with Adrienne Garland where they had an inspiring, real conversation that’s sure to help many women entrepreneurs, leaders, and anybody looking for a raw and inspiring conversation.

You can learn more about Sugar Coated and Adrienne Garland on Instagram at:

